Drivers Dis-transics

  • Installed in the vehicle and equipped with GPRS technology, the TX-VISIO RDL box downloads the legally compliant driver and vehicle data, wherever they are. Technology A SIM card enables the GPRS-based data communication, which is available via a subscription model.
  • DIS-Transics offers a total range of solutions to help carriers professionally manage their service times. Whether their aim is to collect or process driver and vehicle data, all our solutions have this one, single objective in common: help our customers raise their productivity, while cutting costs.
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  • DIS-Transics is the historical expert in data collection, violation reporting and legal archiving. Today, the products and services offered integrate expertise in violation management and prepayment in a high-tech environment, to offer you an effective solution for collecting legal data and managing service times.

Export of payment

Besides the standard export functionalities of SAGE, you create a link between the fields that are available in SAGE and those available in the application. Furthermore, the application proposes a free adaptation of the Sage format, which allows you to use it in any other payroll software.

Feb 03, 2013 The Scandrive 5 terminal allows drivers to read out all tachograph data themselves, outside the office, in a fully compatible way. The only thing they need is an Internet connection.

The idea is to simplify the user's task as much as possible by creating all the SAGE exports beforehand or offering you the possibility to modify them in accordance with other payroll software.

For both the Sage format and the free format, you need to complete the Pay reference field for every day code or every cost to export to the payroll format.

To create a link between the application data and their SAGE or a free format export, it is important to integrate a new reference, which will be named Pay reference. This new reference needs to be entered in the “List of day codes and Costs”. The goal is to preserve the existing references, e.g. the External reference, by adding a new one, which is required for the proper functioning of the export of payment.

Configuration >> Management >> Social management >> List of day codes or Cost and premium list

Configuration of All payment exports

Configuration >> Management >> Export of payment >> Export in SAGE format

Here, you can find the different exports, which are presented in a list. You can:

See the configuration of every export if you click on the Details button.

Drivers Dis-transics

Delete an export via the button.

Configure the different exports via the Modify button.

Copy / Paste an export via the Duplicate button.

Creation of an export in the Sage format

Configuration >> Management >> Export of payment >> Export in SAGE format

To create an export, you need to duplicate a standard delivered export.

Choose the model to be copied and click on Duplicate.

The first window is shown.

Click on Next. The following window is shown.

You need to complete the following fields:

- The Name of the export

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Drivers Dis-transics Xerox

- The status – Active or not

- The Name of the file to export, with the file extension .txt

- The Separator - by default empty

-Free format – not to be checked if you want to preserve the SAGE format


If you tick Free format, the available fields can be freely modified. This means that you can modify the format in accordance with your payroll software. Please find more information in the next paragraph. Consult it for more information.

You choose not to tick Free format. Click on Next. The window for the assignment of the values is shown.

The assignment of values occurs by clicking on .

If you click on this button, the window of the different sources is opened, where you can link the SAGE data to the TX data.

Via the button, you delete the link between SAGE and TX.

The grey fields will be filled in the next step. At this stage, the steps that are identical for all SAGE exports in TX are explained in detail.

Every export type has some specific characteristics.

BS export

This export corresponds to the export of costs, premiums and allowances in SAGE.

You can modify nearly all fields, except for the following fields that define the data to be exported:

- Code

- Wage type name

- Amount

You can also delete a connection between a SAGE value and a TX field by clicking on the Unlink button. A dialog box appears, asking you if you want to confirm your action.

You can configure the export of:

- All costs

- All premiums

- All allowances

- One or n item(s)

Here is an example of a BS export:

BS; ;DEFFAIX ;JEAN-CLAUDE ; R4; Exceptional premium;1; ;
20; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

BS; ;DEFFAIX ; JEAN-CLAUDE ; R5; Crane premium;2; ;
30; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

BS; ;DEFFAIX ; JEAN-CLAUDE ; R6; Versatility premium;3; ;
66; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

BS; ;DEFFAIX ; JEAN-CLAUDE ; R7; A13 premium;1; ;

Remark: The export creates a different line per driver and per premium. Every line shows the number of premiums per driver with the amount.

EV export

This export corresponds to the export of day codes in SAGE.

You can modify nearly all fields, except for the following fields that relate to day codes.

You can export 1 or n day codes, but you need to group day codes that are adjacent in the past.

You can configure the export of:

- All day codes

- All day codes of a specific type

- 1 or n day codes

Here is a detailed overview and more info on the automatically filled in fields by TX:


- Designation: TX value

- Event code: Pay reference

- Start date: Date of inserting day code

- Start time: Starting time of day code

- End date: Date of inserting day code

Drivers Dis-transics License Test

- End time: End time of day code

- Number: Total number of day codes

- Number per day: Number of day codes per day

- Code of reason of the absence: First 10 characters of the name of the day code

- Date of creation: Date of inserting the day code

- Creation hour: Start time of the day code

- User code: First characters

- Afternoon: If the day code is present, afternoon

- Breakfast: If the day code is present, breakfast

- Validity date: Start of day code period

Here is an example of an EV export:

EV;554123 ;CP ;13/02/12;08:00;16/02/12;08:00;1 ; ;1; ;
;du %DEB au %FIN ;16/02/12;08:00:00:00; ;0;0;01/02/12;

VM export

This export corresponds to the export of basic values of the amounts.

Here, you will export the wage types per driver together with the amount. This is done per driver.

In the first place, you can only modify the Registration number.

Only now, you will be able to add one or more item(s) to export. The latter can be of various types (e.g. 'CR earned', 'CR Night Taken', etc.).

Here is an example of a VM export:

VM 999663 255 CPTACQ01 15,25

VM 321456 255 CPTACQ01 3,49

VM 456663 255 CPTACQ01 9,00

VM 999663 255 CPTACQ02 5,54

VM 321456 255 CPTACQ02 10,90

VM 456663 255 CPTACQ02 5,00

The Item code drop-down list contains:

- 0 : Number of a wage type

- 1 : Basis of a wage type

- 2 : Wage rate of a wage type

- 3 : Salary amount of a wage type

- 4 : Employer's contribution of a wage type

- 5 : Employer's amount of a wage type

- 6 : Maximum limit of a wage type

- 7 : Minimum limit of a wage type

- 8 : B report of a wage type

- 9 : C report of a wage type

- 11 : Calculation basis of a wage type

- 255 : Constant

The Item drop-down list contains:



Remark: To make some specific VM exports, the SAGE TX export allows you to modify the name of the item by doing the correction immediately on this field.

VB export

This export corresponds to the export of basic values. It's the general SAGE export. Only one step needs to be taken to connect the SAGE data with the TX data.

For the VB export, check the data that were selected in the export matrix.

Example of a VB export:

Creation of an export in the format of your choice

Configuration >> Management >> Export of payment >> Export in SAGE format

If you create a new export model, check the Free format option.

The window to link fields is different from the window for the SAGE format.

Here, you have the possibility to:

- Include or exclude the field in the export line via the checkbox in the Include column.

- Define the field in detail via the Definition button.

- Click on the button and the following window will be shown:


Drivers Dis-transics Taylormade

At this level, you can choose to Include or exclude the export field and select the Length. A free length is automatically set to the number of characters of the name, whereas you can define the number of characters with a fixed length.

For the Source, you should enter a constant, or select a predefined value, or use the value of the application.

You define the alignment and a possible format string via Format.

-Add or Delete a field. Click on the button and the following window will be shown:

You define the order of the fields as you like by moving them up or down with the arrows .

Drivers Dis-transics Lbp

Generate an 'Export of payment'

'Export' module

In the list of possible exports and publications, a new 'Export' line can be found in the SAGE format.

The configuration button allows you to choose the required exports.

In this window, the path for the export needs to be entered, which is standard C:UsersutilisateurDocumentsDIS-TransicsTxVisioEXPORT.

The files should be generated:

- Per driver

- Per group

- Unique to be personalised

- Unique (standard)

The exports are always generated per type and per selected configuration.

If you choose the EV export, you will see in the EXPORT folder (standard path for SAGE exports):

Drivers Dis-transics 64

  • A file TXEV.txt if you have chosen A single file

  • A file TXEVGroupeA.txt if you have chosen One file per group (as much files as groups will be created)

  • A file TXEVConducteur01.txt if you have chosen One file per driver (as much files as drivers will be created)

  • A file TXEVexport<ddmmyy>.txt if you have chosen A single customised file (the proposed identification is the date when the export occurred, but you can modify it if you want)

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User rights

Configuration >> Management >> Profile >> User profile

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Whether are not you are allowed to use this module, depends on your user rights.

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